Working on a MacOS distribution...

Hi everybody!

As you may see, this game is a submission to Game Off 2021. I’ve been dedicating a big part of my time to prepare this for more OS. This started with a conversation in the GameOff submission. There, a submitter asked me to package the source code into a stand-alone executable.

So, I accepted the risk. I started with my Windows 10 machine, and… tada! a Windows distribution is now available.

But Windows is not the only OS in the world. I have a Mac at home, so I thought I could package this game for MacOS.

So I opened my terminal, created a virtualenv, installed Pyxel, and downloaded the source code. But I had a lot of issues when getting Pyxel to work, because it uses C extensions… so I’m in trouble.

Then, I thought: “By now, let’s try to get cx_Freeze, the tool that I used to package the Windows distribution”. So I tried to install it. But then, it seemed like it was no longer useful with my MacOS Monterey.

What I’m trying to say, is that I’m really working on this. If you don’t see any changes, be patient, I’m doing my best effort to make this possible. And I promise that, soon, a MacOS distribution will be shown…

Get Diddi and the bugs

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